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 Each new class takes on a fundraising project for a charity of their choice. This year, the Rocks have partnered with Mental Health America of Ohio.


Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been told time and time again about the physical effects this illness has on our bodies. However, no one really talks about the effects it has had on our mental health. Unemployment rates have skyrocketed, socialization has been restricted, and many people have been stuck in unsafe environments at home. Even with the vaccines coming out, families will be feeling the mental effects of this pandemic far into the future. 

Romophos acknowledges the importance of mental health resources and we need to improve access to them. We are partnering with Mental Health America of Ohio (MHAOhio), a Columbus-based affiliate of Mental Health America which is the leading organization helping people live mentally healthier lives. MHAOhio offers various resources including pro bono counseling, online screening, family advocacy, workplace & community programs, and many more. Their vision is to create a community without barriers to achieving mental health where no one feels alone on their road to recovery.


Our goal is to raise $1,000 for MHAOhio by April 9th. We are asking you to please consider donating to this amazing cause to help us reach our goal. Your generosity could help people navigate this pandemic safely and provide better access to resources that can save lives. 100% of your donations will go toward MHAOhio, and they are also tax-deductible. Even the smallest donations help!





We appreciate your time and consideration. If you would like to know more about MHAOhio or want to learn about mental health service options, you can go to their website at or call 614-221-1441.

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